Our team and associates are renowned experts in the energy sector with years of working experience in the major players like Shell International, ExxonMobil, Total, Schlumberger etc. We have expertise in innovative solutions in the following niche areas:
- Operations Readiness and Assurance (OR&A): This web based tool is used for providing ongoing monitoring and management of the journey towards ‘Ready to Operate’ status and improving the outcome of a projects. Assurance that the project is progressing towards a successful conclusion (or in some cases an early warning that it is not) is a major advantage when cost and schedule are an issue.

- Green House Gas Reduction and Management
- Development Oil and Gas Industry Standards, Procedures and Processes for Government Regulatory Bodies
- Data Mining and Application of AI
- Joint Ventures’ Governance and Portfolio Review
- Production Sharing Contracts/Agreements (PSCs/PSAs) Management in a Variety of Fiscal Regimes
- Reserves Estimation, Resource Assessment, Hydrocarbon Maturation
- Reliable Production Forecasting for Decision Making
- EOR/IOR Screening, Design and Evaluation
- Fractured Reservoir Characterization and Field Development
- Water Control and Management
- Field Development Planning, Subsurface Studies and Static/Dynamic Modelling
- Surface Facilities Design, Modelling and Studies
- Short Courses on the above and other wide range of topics like
- Reservoir Management
- Water flooding and Conformance
- Mature Fields Development
- Well Logging Theory and Applications
- Well Testing-PTA and DST Design
- Reservoir Fluid Sampling and PVT analysis
- Petroleum Economics
- Well Reservoir and Facilities Management (WRFM)