About Sheffield Global Cinema Festival

FESTIVAL THEME: Overlooked and Hidden Lives

These are the lives of people from the margins, people whose stories need to be told. The narratives can be of suffering and endurance. The culminations may be marked by triumph or tragedy. At the same time, the lives of women and men from the mainstream often have hidden aspects that make for compelling stories. These stories may be comic or serious in tone, but in both cases examination through film and in screenplays can produce profound insight. Filmmakers and screenwriters need not hold too tightly to the theme of this festival. Loose connections, unexpected connections. and most of all connections that make the viewer think long after the screen has gone dark – all are welcome.

Adaptations from stage plays and novels will be accepted if rights are owned or unencumbered. We are looking for all sorts of films including features, shorts, and TV pilots. We want strong screenplays. There are special categories for student work when filmmakers and screenwriters can prove student status.

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